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When it comes to Thailand, Thailand is considered as one of the most livable nation, especially in Bangkok due to being the center of economy and many tourist attractions. Even though Bangkok is the most amazing city, there are many troubles: parking in illegal place, street vendor, smoking in illegal place and traffic congestion which turn the popular city to the town is no longer alive.

As an investigative journalist and being assigned work in term of reporting activity since mid-August till December, consequently, I started to report and called to various organizations: 1111(Government Organization), 1555(RongTook Bangkok), not to mention 191(Police)in order to make Bangkok be alive again.
The first case that I would like to present is parking car on pedestrian in front of Siam One. Since I was going to Siam more than 4 years, I saw TokTok parking on the street which make people need to walk on the road instead and some people feel uncomfortable while walking on the street.

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It is unfair with citizen because this street is a public not for private parking. Hence, I started to report since August.
According to Land Traffic Act, B.E. 2522 section 57, they state that whoever park on the pedestrian is wrong and must have be fined 500 baht.

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            The first time that I reported was 1555 online channel and I complained about aggressive behavior of TokToks. I have sent document and evident pictures to authority but, I cannot take photo of license plate of TokToks due to the fact that drivers looked at me and show aggressive behavior like what was you doing? and why you took photo. So, I felt scared a little bit but, I could not take photo of license plate of TokToks at firsttime. However, the authority of the Bangkok organization has been my evidence and called to me.

“You should not fear of TokTok because the way you do is right meanwhile who is wrongdoing is TokTok is not You. I would send staff to investigate in this week” the authority from RongTook Bangkok said.
I expected to see something change because 1555 can be credible organization.
After that, Municipal Police called back to me. “You story is real and TokToks are driven out by me.” Manicipal Police from Pathumwan area, a middle-aged man stated.
In order to be sure that there are no TokToks parking on the pedestrian, I went to check by myself. I found many TokTok drivers parked their cars on the public street so as to wait to receive tourists again. On top of that, there are many TokTok cars park on the left road which this is a main cause making traffic congestion. Normally, citizens can use the road 4 lanes but, TokToks block one lane which make the car be able to drive just 3 ways. So, I automatically reported to 1555 Online channel that there were many TokTok drivers parked on the street and parked on the left road and sent the license plate such as สก 663, สข 872, and สก 2324 to staff member of Bangkok Organization and then they called to me back. “I will send the staff to investigate and fine them,” the authority of RongTook Bangkok, a middle-aged woman said.


I started to doubt and ask question to myselfthat whether 1555 organization can trust or not because the official always told that “we will send staff member of RongTook Bangkok to investigate this problem.”


Even though I’m trying to do my best for reporting illegal parking of Thai citizen in order to make Thai society be better society, the outcomes don’t follow as I expected. Although the authorities from RongTook Bangkok have calling back to me and promise to me.

 “We have sent staff to investigate and found that these stories were real and we will cope with this problem,” the authority of RongTook Bangkok, middle aged woman claimed.

Nothing was change. I thusly feel disappointed. 

After updating this case, nevertheless, I think the outcome of this case is quite good at first because the license plates of TokTok driversthat I used to report did not park in this area because the staff took control seriously and fine the drivers. But, there were still the new TokTok license plateparking on the street which there were two cars parking (สก 3966) (สก 5613). 

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I, therefore, decided to change channel to report to 1111 that is Government organization. I talked with Sansong that is officer from the Government Organization.

“what is going on?,” Sansong, the authority of Thai Government Organization middle-aged women asked.

I started to report that TokTok parking on pedestrian and I had calling to complaint with 1555 a lot but, nothing was changed around 2 months.

“Can you specific the driver who park in front of Siam One?,” Sansong, the authority of Thai Government Organization middle-aged women asked.

I answered that he was a man, tall around 170, age around 40, his skin is black a little bit, as well as parking every day. On this ground, the people who walk on the street had been struggled like inconvenient while walking. Some people supposed to walk on the street but, they needed to walk on the road instead.

“I will send a staff member from The Government Organization to investigate and I will inform you subsequent if there is something changing,” Sansong, the authority of Thai Government Organization middle-aged women said.

Authority from 1111 called to me again. “TokToks were fined and thanks you to inform with The government Organization,” Sansong, the authority of Thai Government Organization middle-aged women stated.

 I felt not surprised at first because I was fear that a staff member of The Government Organization would lie me like 1555 (RongTook Bangkok).

Until almost the end of November, there were no ToksToks parking on the pedestrian anymore. I observed a couple day and finally this case is success. The most important thing is this is the first case that accomplish.



             The second case that I would like to inform is street vendor in area of Pathumwan and under Siam sky train station. There were many street vendors who sell lottery to citizen under Siam BTS Station which made citizen feel struggle, uncomfortable while walking owing to cram.

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According to Maintenance of Public and Orderliness of the Country, B.E. 2535 section 19, they state that whoever sells the products on the pedestrian or street is wrong and must have be fined ten thousand baht.

I, thus, started to report since mid-August and decided to take some photos to report 1555.

“I would send the staff to investigate and figure it out as soon as possible,” the official form 1555, middle-aged man said. I also called to Pathumwan Police Station.

I waited for a couple day until the staff member from 1555 called to me back.

“I fixed this problem and no hawkers sell lottery in this area,” until the staff member from RongTook, middle-aged man claimed.

On the one hand, the result in the first time was good now that there were no vendors. On the other hands, nevertheless, there were still hawkers again in the place after passing just one week.

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I felt very disappointed because I always reported every week and every time.

In order to make Bangkok be better society, however, I did not give up and still have a little hope for changing. I, in consequence, called to 1111 (The Government Organization)as Ajarn Bruce Avasadanond, a lecture from JM310 Editorial and Article Writing suggestion.

I taked to SanSong that she is a staff member from The Government Organization. I told her that there were many vendors who sell lottery around the street that they broke the law. I described to Sangson that they were all girls and their age around more than 40 ages.

“If I wanted to send a staff to check, can you tell position?,” Sansong, the authority of Thai Government Organization middle-aged women asked.

I answered that of course, you had to get down at Siam Station and then went down the left way at entrance and you then will find those hawkers.

After that, there was staff called to me. “There were no hawkers anymore,” a staff member of The Government Organization, middle-aged man.

Hence, I went to check by myself and finally found that there were no vendors.

This is second case which is successful but, it takes a long time.



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The third case that I would like to present isselling tobacco in terms of illegal. According to Tobacco Law (2560), they state that whoever sells cigarette in term of setting show brand or logo is wrong and must be fined 40,000 baht and whoever sells cigarette in terms of separating like 3 per 30 baht is wrong and must have fined 40,000 baht because it will support teenagers to addict and become smokers.

There are two cases: the first one is at Siam Soi 6 and the second one is Siam Soi 2

Siam Soi 6 

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Siam Soi 2

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After I went to Siam Soi 6, there was one shop that employee might come from Myanmmar but, I was not sure whether illegal immigrant or not. In order to make sure that he was immigrant or Thais, nevertheless, I decided to talk with him and I knew because he was going to face time with his wife and did not speak Thai language.


Hence, I tried to talk with him but, he could not talk Thai language fluently. He could speak just for the number like I asked him how much this price and he answered 100 baht. When I asked How was this taste, he cannot explain. Therefore, I can make sure that he came from neighboring countries. This person still sold cigarette illegally because he separated tobacco to sell like 3 per 20 baht but, he did not show in front of store.


 According to 39 section, sellers have no right to sell separated cigarette in order to protect teenager and children to access. According to the law of immigrant, immigrant have no right to sell products in retails.

After I reported to 1555, “I will send staff to investigate that this story is real or not. If this story is real, I will run by the process of immigrant law,” the authority of RongTook Bangkok stated.

I also reported to 1111 and informed to the authority about his character that he was a man who tell around 165, age around 30, black skin, and sell every day.

It’s time to success for this case because a staff called to me. “There was no immigrant because I catch him,” Manipulate Police from Pathumwan area stated.

He only informed just immigrant meanwhile the shop did not report to me.

Hence, I went to check by myself and found that immigrant was disappear meanwhile the shop still was existed.

Meanwhile I also reported in area of Siam Soi 2 and found that nothing was changed. This hawker sold international tobacco in terms of setting brands.

I described to 1111 that she is girl who tall around 155, age around 45, normal skin, as well as sell around 10 AM to 15 PM.

I reported this case again and again by 1555 including 1111. But, this shop still opens until nowadays. Thus, this case is considered as mission fail.



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According to Act on the Maintenance of the Cleanliness and Orderliness of the Country, B.E. 2535, section 19, stated that no one shall place, put or pile any object on the road. So, I contact 1555 by Online Website and the authority then called to me back and I explained what was going on this area and also mentioned about the act of Cleanliness and Orderliness of the Country

“your story that you report is real and we will figure it out as soon as possible,” The official from 1555, RongTook Bangkok said.

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Although I usually reported to the authority and the authority from RongTook Bangkok claimed that this story was real and has sent the staff member to investigate and told that they were going to manage, the outcome still be the same way. There was still advertisement locating at the same place. Hence, I decided to report again to the authority. 

After that, there was staff member from RongTook Organization called to me again. “Now, I stays at area that you inform me and I am going to get it off,” The Official Manipulation, a middle-aged man from an area of Pathum Thani stated.

After I listened good news from this officer, I felt like that this was a first case that I could iron out by my reporting. Nonetheless, I have a chance went to this area again and I found that the sign still existed. It made me hate RongTook Bangkok Organization and knew that this organization cannot be trust anymore.

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However, I tried to change different organizations to report such as 191 and 1111 and I spent my time to drive to check by myself three times but, the outcome still was the same. Hence, this case is not accomplished.

          The last case that I would like to display is parking car on the street in area between Phayathai and Phaholyothinroad which it directly gives rise to a huge of traffic congestion.

Honestly, this case located around my home but, I totally wanted to change it because there are many cars that park in illegal place and make me feel extremely irritated while driving back to my home.

 According toLand Traffic Act, B.E. 2522 section 4 (15), they state that whoever park blocking traffic are wrong. I, hence, started to report since mid-August. There were around 2-3 cars parking around 16:00 PM in one lane to buy a drugstore in which in this road must not allow to park. Actually, there was a parking for people who want to buy medicine shop which the people who want to park must pay 50 bath per 1 hour.

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On this ground, owing to selfish and arbitrary behavior of each person, it made occur traffic congestion. So, I sent the evidence to the police in line application in 17:30 which this cop worked at Phayathai Police Station.

“I receives this evidence and I will coordinate to the responsible officer,” Dusit Khaibut, middle-aged man the official of Phayathai Police Station said.


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However, it seemed like nothing was changed after the first time that I had reported. I, as a consequence, decided going to Victory Monument Police Station by myself so as to inform police to punish drivers who were wrongdoing.

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“Don’t worry, I will cope with this problem. I usually have sent the official to fine the driver who are parking. Nonetheless, I will send staff members to investigate again” Thanoksak, 50-year-old the official of Victory Monument Station.

 Although I was trying to do my best for reporting and usually reported various organizations about illegal parking so as to make Thai society be better society, the outcomes didn’t follow as I expected.

 Since mid-August until nowadays, I reported every week to many organizations such as 191 and 1555 and expected to listen a good at the same time but, it is nothing changed. Hence, my effort is useless and this mission is fail.


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For a part of FOI, there were 3 letters that I have sent to different organizations at first: 1555 (RongTook Bangkok), Ministry of Labour, as well as Pathumwan Police Station in order to bring to using in study and want to know the statistics that the official has arresting people who are wrongdoing in public. Nonetheless, I was refused all three letters.

“You have to rewrite again because you write in term of informal,” The authority of 1555 RongTook Bangkok Organization stated.

“You should define more your objective,” The staff from Ministry of Labour said.

“You have to send to Municipal Police instead,” PathumwanPolice Station claimed.

I, accordingly, have to send again but, I only chose just two organizations that were 1555 and Ministry of Labour. The main cause that I chose just two places because I can bring these documents to apply final project that is a group of Immigrant and information is useful.

The process to get FOI. It was extremely difficult because you have to define everything that you want in the letters. If you define a wrong, you have to send again and the cost of EMS is quite more expensive. I spent my money to FOI around 200 baht. I started to send FOI since 26 October but, I just got these data around 20 November from 1555 meanwhile I just got information from Ministry of Labor on 28 November.


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It took a long process to get it and spent more time approximately a half of month or a month.

On the whole of wrongdoing assignment, there are just two cases achievement that I want to give a credit to 1111(The government organization)meanwhile others are not successful. In spite of reporting various organizations: 1555, 191, as well as 1111, the troubles are still existed and are not to be ironed out. I, personally, see that the way to report to 1555 and 191 is weak and useless now that the promises from the authority are not able to be believed. The duty of staffs and polices is representative of citizens and they are supposed to help people whenever there are problems, they would rather rely on people’s but, they should ignore citizen’s requirement. After I had finished mission from being investigative journalist, it is undeniable to say that the Thai law, both 1555 and 191 organizations are very weak especially 191 now that whenever I informed the official that there are street vendors or illegal parking on Pathumwan area, they always refuse my case and told that our organization did not receive easy case and this case sound ridiculous.

            I am very appreciated from learning this assignment. In spite of the fact that sometimes I feel awful from nothing is not be changed at first, I’m proud from seeing two cases successful. This duty teaches me to grow up, learn how to cope with the troubles by myself, not to mention recognize of many Thai laws such asLand Traffic Act, B.E. 2522 section 57, Land Traffic Act, B.E. 2522 section 4 (15), the Maintenance of the Cleanliness and Orderliness of the Country, B.E. 2535, section 19, and Tobacco Law (2560). The beginning to become investigative journalists is starting from this assignment and I understand why you force student to work this assignment seriously. In the long run, it’s time to final journey. I want to say gratitude to this assignment.



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